The Vietnam entry and exit form

Check-in counters of Tan Son Nhat airport

Those who are used to long-distance travel will be familiar with the fact that certain documents have to be filled in. As soon as national borders are crossed, the destination countries want to know who is in the country and further information for the traceability of the trip becomes necessary. This simply provides security and clarity and also, to a certain extent, makes travelers more responsible. Most countries rely on documents to be filled in for this purpose.

In the case of Vietnam, this is the Vietnam entry and exit form, which fulfills these and other purposes. We would like to introduce you to the Vietnam entry and exit form and explain this important document.

For what is the Vietnam entry and exit form important?

We have already mentioned many important aspects of the Vietnam entry and exit form. And in the focus here is this comprehensibility. Many conceivable cases make it necessary for Vietnam to know who is in the own country. Also first places of residence are included here, since it becomes possible to find the persons, should there be a reason shortly after the entry for the Vietnam entry and exit form. And also the finding after the departure is made possible, since such data are seized in the Vietnam entry and exit form.

But: For most travelers and especially for tourists, nothing more happens with the Vietnam entry and exit form than that it is filled out. Thus it concerns a procedure, which becomes necessary, but usually does not have to mean more in case of the Vietnam entry and exit form.

What is the content of the Vietnam entry and exit form?

Not surprisingly, the Vietnam visa entry and exit form is designed to contain a lot of information. But don't worry, filling it out is no longer difficult and can be done in a few steps. First of all, a photo must be inserted, which is very easy, especially in the digital versions. After that, a few lines are added, which are filled in one after the other for the Vietnam entry and exit form. This includes a wide variety of content, which we would like to present systematically for a better overview.

Lines 1-11: Personal data for the Vietnam entry and exit form

  • Line 1: The full name in capital letters
  • Line 2: Selecting the gender
  • Line 3: Date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy
  • Line 4: The place of birth is the same as the place of passport
  • Line 5: The nationality of birth
  • Line 6: The current nationality as in the passport
  • Line 7: The current religion (with the option to omit it)
  • Line 8: The current profession
  • Line 9: Name and address of employer, if available
  • Line 10: Your own address and e-mail and telephone contacts
  • Line 11: Emergency contacts in home country

Lines 12-20: Document data, travel data and more for the Vietnam entry and exit form

  • Line 12: Travel documents (passport) number
  • Line 13: Date of previous entry into Vietnam, if available
  • Line 14: Date of entry and intended duration of stay in Vietnam
  • Line 15: The reason for the trip (differences between tourists and business)
  • Line 16: Intended accommodation in Vietnam
  • Line 17: Not to be filled in
  • Line 18: Children travelling with you in your own passport
  • Line 19: The type of visa (single entry or multiple entries)
  • Line 20: Further requests

Remark: The actual Vietnam entry and exit form is not always available as such a list among each other, but in some places next to each other. Also the division into two thematic blocks serves only as an overview and may differ in the actual Vietnam entry and exit form.

What is the exact name for the Vietnam entry and exit form?

To avoid confusion, we would also like to give you the exact and official name. In the past, the document was called M3 form, but in the meantime it has been replaced by a newer document called NA1 and therefore now has a new description. This new Vietnam entry and exit form is especially important for people entering Vietnam by plane, but it can also be requested in other cases.

Is a single version of the Vietnam entry and exit form sufficient?

Since it is a Vietnam entry and exit form and not one that is only valid for entry or exit, a single version is not sufficient. Usually two versions must be filled out and submitted. It is sufficient, however, if the first version is copied and then submitted again on departure, since the required data does not change much.

Vietnam entry and exit form: What are the other necessary documents for the successful entry?

Not surprisingly, a passport is also necessary for entry, but many other documents are not. However, a confirmation for the Visa-on-Arrival or even the entire visa may be necessary. At VIETNAM VISA ONLINE, for example, you can apply for the visa online and receive the necessary documents there. In other cases no visa is necessary at all and the travel documents and the Vietnam entry and exit form are sufficient. Information for countries and periods for which this is relevant can be found on our website.

All around the entry to Vietnam you are thus well positioned with us and also the tasks regarding the Vietnam entry and exit form are included. If you have further question, feel free to contact us!

Created: 9/21/2020 | Modified: 6/20/2023

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