Climate of Vietnam – this is what you need to know!

Woman on a bicycle in a vietnamese landscape

Vietnam is a perfect travel destination, for all who search for nature and culture. Especially, the hiking and backpacking is very popular among many young folks. The beautiful bay of Halong or the spectacular mountains of Sapa, attracts thousands and thousands of people each year. Your experience in Vietnam will be exceptional! How sad would it be, if you stand on the highest mountain of Saba and the clouds obscure your view. That is why, it is necessary to know all about the Vietnam climate! VIETNAM VISA ONLINE has all the information about the climate in Vietnam.

The climate in Vietnam in Winter

Vietnam is pretty close to the equatorial zone. Because of, Vietnams broad north-south-expansion it lies in the tropical and subtropical climate zone. Consequently, you cannot talk about "the" climate of Vietnam but differentiate between the different regions of Vietnam.

In the north of Vietnam, around the capital Hanoi, the winter is arid. Between December and March just 37 mm of precipitation may be recorded. The climate of Vietnam is characterized by its monsoon circulations. The winter monsoon is originally dry because it comes from the arid steppes of the Chinese mainland. But it can clash with the mild and moist air of the Gulf of Tonkin, resulting in light but frequent rainfalls. Consequently, the sky over Hanoi in Winter is mostly cloudy and the sun rarely breaks through the thick layer of clouds. Because of this aspect of the climate of Vietnam it is not recommended to travel to Hanoi in Winter. Actually, because of the climate of Vietnam it is not even recommended in summer.

Moreover, the winter around Hanoi are unusually cool for its latitude. Hanoi is located just south the Tropic of Cancer yet the temperature in January is below 20 °C. Even more extreme, is the Climate of Vietnam in the northernmost areas of Tonkin, where the temperature at night may be below 0 °C in winter.

Do you want to go to Hanoi or another beautiful place in Vietnam? Apply for your Vietnam visa online!

Climate in Vietnam: Weather differences between countries from the West compared with Vietnam

The south east Asia climate in Vietnam takes a lot of getting used to for many people from the northern hemisphere of the world. For this reason, it is incredibly important that you give yourself enough time to adjust your body and mind to the climate, especially for the first days of your Vietnam trip. The weather and the humidity that comes with it can be a problem for some tourists in the first few days. The high temperatures and the enormous humidity are probably the most unfamiliar climate factors for tourists from the north. As a result, circulation problems usually occur with people who are not properly prepapred. That is the reason why, it is very important to drink a lot of water and take care of your health during the whole time in Vietnam. And, even though humidity is the main problem, be careful with the amount of time you spend exposed to the sun. Always, be sure to use sun protection.

Climate in Vietnam: When is the best time to travel to Vietnam?

The best travel time for Vietnam depends on many different factors. Apart from this, it should be noted that Vietnam has a tropical climate throughout, with an average temperature of 27°C. According to most travel guides, the preferred season for travel in Vietnam is between December and May. However, it is important to consider whether the trip is to go to North Vietnam, to South Vietnam or to Central Vietnam. In these regions there are huge climatic differences which are clearly noticeable. In addition, a few other factors have to be considered such as the Vietnamese holiday season or holidays and festivals. The most important festival of the year is the "Tet" which is the Vietnamese New Year. According to the well-known lunar calendar, the festival is usually celebrated in January or in February. In addition, many sights and shops are closed during the Tet holidays. In addition, most Vietnamese go back home to their families, which means that most streets are usually crowded. Accordingly, every traveler has to decide for himself when the best time to travel is. The most important thing is which region you would like to travel to and what your wishes are. Furthermore, it is very important if you would prefer to visit Vietnam in the summer or in the winter. Based on this, you can plan the perfect holiday! Do you want to know how to apply? Feel free to contact us!

Created: 8/31/2020 | Modified: 6/20/2023

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