Which animals live in Vietnam? A small overview

A monkey in a tree

Every few years the Vietnamese jungle spits out a zoologist or biologist who "has" a new species in his luggage. Whether unknown cattle, majestic rhinoceros or funny monkey – Vietnam's animals are as diverse as the country itself. In the following sections we will introduce you to some of the breathtaking jungle inhabitants.

Note: The country's fauna is extremely diverse, but is increasingly threatened by slash-and-burn and other habitat destruction.

Vietnam's animals: macaque

Macaques are among the primates (from the family of vervet monkeys). They are medium in size and have a stocky body with strong limbs. While the body has a golden brown fur, the animal's face is hairless; her snout protrudes forward.

These wild animals live in Vietnam's trees and run in groups of up to 100 relatives. The group usually includes about three times as many females as males. But there are also "emancipated" male groups, completely without the female gender. Communication takes place over a variety of sounds; The macaques' favorite activity is mutual grooming.

The animals feed primarily on fruits, but are considered omnivores – including seeds, bird eggs, insects and much more are on the menu.

Wild animals in Vietnam: small monkeys with long tails

Monkeys can be divided into three types. These have a gray body and a white tail as a common denominator. The coloring of the arms and legs, on the other hand, varies from type to type. And even the penis of the males is strikingly colored: it shines in a bright red; a white or blue "bag" dangles beneath it.

These diurnal monkeys, which by the way are between 61 and 76 cm tall (the tail becomes just as long), are mainly in the trees. Here they look for delicious fruits and leaves to share with the whole group. And that means something, since the groups grow up to 50 animals. The few males are considered leaders and protectors.

Sad but true: Vietnam's animals are still suffering from the defoliants used by the United States in the Vietnam War. Deforestation also contributes to the endangered monkeys.

Wild animals in Vietnam can be really cute!

Plumploris (also: Nycticebus) sleep during the day and are active at night. The slow, deliberate tree dwellers are rarely seen on the ground. This is also due to the fact that the body of the small primates from the Loris family is made for climbing: the limbs are particularly strong and the thumbs and some toes can be opposed. This results in a handle that ensures optimal grip on every branch, however thick.

Unlike many other wild animals in Vietnam, Plumploris are loners. The males mark their territory and react particularly aggressively to their own gender – it's hard to believe when you look at the cute little animals in the eyes. Females, however, are always welcome. Parts of plants, small vertebrates and eggs from other forest dwellers serve as food.

Humans are evil: Although Plumploris are poisonous, they are hunted intensively. The people in Southeast Asia associate various superstitious ideas with them. And Vietnam's wild animals are also very popular as pets.

Do you already know these jungle dwellers?

Of course, the country's fauna is not just monkeys and primates:

  • The Great Hornbill (also known as the hornbill) has a large beak with another beak on it. So you will surely recognize the forest dweller on your jungle tour. Scientists believe that the second beak is a result of sexual selection. You can find these animals in all forests of Vietnam and especially in hilly regions.
  • The Indian elephant is smaller than its African counterpart, but no less impressive. Marvel at the pachyderms in reserves or sanctuaries! The number of wild animals in Vietnam is declining more and more. The greatest chance to admire the Indian elephant is in the province called ắk Lắk.
  • There are countless species of frogs in Southeast Asia. The Vietnamese Mossy Frog is undoubtedly one of the most striking. With its "spotty" body surface, it looks like a small poisonous shell. You will find this jungle dweller mainly on the cliffs and in the caves of North Vietnam.
  • The Asian water monitor is a large monitor lizard (up to 2 m) that feeds on birds, rodents and fish as well as crabs. He is an excellent swimmer and mainly stays in the canals and rivers of South and Southeast Asia. Since this animal of Vietnam is not on the "endangered list", people hunt for it. The skin is processed into fashion accessories.

With a  Vietnam visa you can easily go on a journey through the beautiful country and experience many interesting animals at first hand.

Colorful, more colorful, Vietnam

As you can see, there are many wild animals living in Vietnam that have never been seen before. However, the species are endangered by humans – one can only hope that the population will not decrease further in the future. Otherwise Vietnam and with it our planet will lose an important part of its breath-taking diversity. Interest? Apply for your Vietnam Visa online!

Created: 5/22/2020 | Modified: 6/20/2023

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