Simply impressive: The Golden Bridge in Vietnam!

The golden bridge in Da Nang

Have you ever walked on clouds? No? Then it is high time – the Golden Bridge in Vietnam gives you the opportunity! Well, walking on the clouds would be a little exaggerated. In any case, the bridge knows how to inspire with its construction and presence as well as with the view of the breathtaking surroundings. If you are going on a long-distance trip to Southeast Asia, you must not miss this trend destination! VIETNAM VISA ONLINE has researched for you!

Vietnam's Golden Bridge – the region is at your feet

The bridge is very special and probably unique in its nature. It is a pedestrian bridge that is 1,400 meters high. But not only that! The building is carried by huge stone hands – you almost feel like in a fantasy film. Not least because of the surrounding landscape including mountains and dense forests – beauty as far as the eye can see!

Good to know: In the national language, the Golden Bridge Vietnam is called Cau Vang. It is 150 meters long and located directly on the abyss of the Ba Na Mountains – unforgettable souvenir photos are guaranteed! In order to be able to shoot them, however, due to the location of the bridge, a little overcoming is required; Those who are free from giddiness have a clear advantage.

Incidentally, the Ba Na Hills are also worth a visit. These represent a medieval city, which is framed by imposing forests. There are not only traditional restaurants and excellent accommodation, but also a fantasy park and a wax museum. There are these "facilities" why the Ba Na Hills together with the Golden Bridge Vietnam are also known as the Disneyland of Southeast Asia.

New construction with old charm

The majestic building has long been a star on social media – it adorns the Instagram profile of every Vietnam traveler. Understandable, because who wants to miss such a highlight?! Vietnam's Golden Bridge is not that old yet – it was only opened in June 2018. The reason for their construction: They wanted to evoke the image of God pulling a piece of gold out of the earth. Those responsible have succeeded! A company from Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) was responsible for the construction of the pedestrian bridge.

By the way: The huge stone hands already look a bit worn. However, this is deliberate – the material has been chosen so that it looks as if the bridge had been there for decades. It also enhances the contrast to the shimmering gold.

How to get to the bridge

The Golden Bridge in Vietnam is located about 30 kilometres west of Da Nang City. From here you need a little more than half an hour to the Ba Na Mountains. The actual travel time depends on the mode of transport chosen. If you want to do "Vietnam Style", you can rent a scooter and go to the bridge independently. You can also look around for a driver – there are many locals in Da Nang who offer motorcycle tours.

Once you get to Vietnam's Golden Bridge, use the cable car to get to the top. Incidentally, this is the largest single cable car system in the world. The land of smiles has many superlatives to offer!

Additional tip: Da Nang is a very popular travel destination. And not just because of the breathtaking Golden Bridge Vietnam! This is where the legendary Hai Van Pass is located, not to mention the long, picturesque stretches of coastline.

Entry is not free, but...

Such a unique attraction naturally has to be paid for: A fee is payable at the entrance to Sun World Ba Na Hills, similar to a national park in the USA. This is around 700,000 dong. That's about $ 29 or $ 40 Canadian. The ticket can be bought on site or bought online in advance.

Note: Entry to the Golden Bridge Vietnam is not cheap. But at least the ride on the cable car is already included in the price. The amount of this is relativized if you consider that the ticket also entitles you to access the surrounding temples and gardens as well as the Fantasy Park.

It is advisable to pay for entry to Vietnam's Golden Bridge online. With the online ticket you save the waiting time in the sometimes extremely long queues. Simply skip the queues and get hold of a seat in a gondola in no time! The ride up to the top takes around 20 minutes.

Vietnam's Golden Bridge – a jewel for generations

It is not easy to put the fascination of the Golden Bridge Vietnam into words. Nevertheless, we hope to have given you a good insight into this extraordinary building with this contribution. The best thing is to still marvel at the pedestrian bridge yourself – apply online now travel to Vietnam and be impressed by the enormous size!

Created: 5/22/2020 | Modified: 6/20/2023

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