Interesting facts about Vietnam's history

Historical vietnamese buildings

The history of Vietnam is largely shaped by the defense against conquerors such as the US, China and France. In the following sections you can read everything you need to know about the country's moving history in the South China Sea. VIETNAM VISA ONLINE has researched for you.

Vietnam's history begins as Nam Viet

Around 200 BC a tribe called Lac Viet conquered the area of the Au Lac and christened this Nam Viet (translated: southern country of the Viet). But only 100 years later the next nation invaded the empire: the Chinese conquered Nam Viet and shaped Vietnam's history like no other country. Chinese rule lasted over a thousand years and in addition to the language – Chinese was the official language in Nam Viet – the entire culture and the state were significantly influenced.

Nam Viet becomes Viet Nam

After the Vietnamese drove the Chinese out in the 10th century, they founded the empire of Annam. However, Chinese sovereignty did not end there: there was a constant struggle to seize power until 1427. In this year Le Loi founded the Le Dynasty, which once again attached more importance to the original Vietnamese values and traditions.

The Le conquered Champa, expanding the power of the Vietnamese to the Mekong. However, these were troubled times, which should not change until 1771. This year, the so called Tay Son rebellion broke out – the first civil war in Vietnam's history. Prince Nguyen Phuc Anh emerged as the winner in 1802. Phuc Anh crowns himself emperor and calls the country Vietnam for the first time. The capital at that time was Hue. Emperor Gia Long – so the noble title Phuc Anhs – expanded his territory in a very short time and already in 1834 large parts of today's Cambodia were under his power.

Ho Chi Minh influences Vietnam's history for the first time

It was not long before Vietnam became the target of another power: in 1884, France invaded the country and took large parts of it as a French protectorate. Henceforth, Vietnam is divided into three: South Vietnam (Cochin-China), North Vietnam (Tonkin) and Central Vietnam (Annam).

As a result of this division, many Vietnamese students and other intellectuals are drawn to Europe. So did Ho Chi Minh, who in 1929 united the communist parties in South, North and Central Vietnam.

1941: Japan occupies Vietnam

As of now, the administration of the country of Japan and the French colonial administration are subject to. Both nations are exploiting the Vietnamese more and more, so that there is a particularly tragic event in Vietnam's history in 1945: A famine occurs that costs the lives of around 2 million people.

For the independence of Vietnam

As Japan invades Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh returns from exile. He allies with various resistance groups that found the Viet Minh. This is a "League for Vietnam's Independence". The goal was to end Japanese imperialism and prevail against the occupation of France. The US supported the Viet Minh in this project.

Note: The name Ho Chi Minh plays an important role in Vietnam's history.

Vietnam as the first independent republic of Southeast Asia

After Japan surrendered on August 25, 1945, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2 of the same year. This is recognized by the French as an autonomous state, if only within the Union Franchise. This made the country the first independent republic of Southeast Asia.

However, the joy among the Vietnamese population did not last long – the next "calamity" soon happened in Vietnam's history: After the Potsdam conference, the British claimed the country for themselves. Uprisings in the south were the result, whereupon the British asked the Japanese for help. These invaded the south. Shortly afterwards, in September 1945, Chinese troops invaded northern Vietnam.

After France re-established its colonial regime in South Vietnam and occupied French troops in Saigon, the Chinese and the British ceded the country back to the Grande Nation.

Vietnam's history in a nutshell: The Indochina War broke out in Vietnam in 1946. The Viet Minh emerged victorious from this. As part of the Geneva conference, the country was divided into the southern Republic of Vietnam (capital: Saigon) and the northern Democratic Republic of Vietnam (capital: Hanoi) in 1954. In the following years, corruption and chaos dominate the country.

Vietnam's recent history – finally reunited!

The US is deploying a military junta to stabilize Vietnam. From 1964, military resources were massively upgraded and the United States launched the first attacks on North Vietnam – the Vietnam War had begun.

The most serious war in Vietnam's history continued until 1975 (United States involved until 1973). This year South Vietnam capitulates unconditionally and on July 2, 1976 South and North Vietnam are reunited as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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Created: 1/31/2020 | Modified: 6/20/2023

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